It is with sadness I sometimes have to whitness how people tend to make promises and afterwards fail to follow up on them.
Such a case here is with KDISS, a Dutch webservice provider.
Last year, this company asked me if I could modify TRK in such a way that it could be PXE bootable. Since this was a lot of work and not one of my priorities, they promised to pay me for it via a Paypal donation.
Now, I ‘m not the kind of guy to make a lot of money from Trinity Rescue Kit (I now and then get a few small donations and some Google Adsense money), but if someone asks you to put lots of your free time into something, I expect a reasonable compensation. That compensation was to be 300€, which given the work I spent in it in whole, is not much.
The work took me about a week and afterwards they asked me some other stuff which I executed without hesitation. Another feature add-on that they had liked, i.e. LVM support, was added for another 100€.
This 100€ was rather quickly paid for, but I ‘m still waiting for the 300€ that was initially bargained for. If I count up the hours worked for this, I easily get to about 50 of them. So for 6€ an hour, one shouldn ‘t complain.
In the mean time, I have e-mailed them a number of times, politely asking them if they hadn ‘t forgot about me. The first few times they said they were busy, but since the last time they haven ‘t replied yet.

I hope if they read this, they will nonetheless fulfill their promise.