A couple of weeks ago, me and some friends went to see X-men 3 : The Last Stand. An awesome movie and a really must-see, if you’re into comics.

But I wouldn’t dare to call myself a geek, if I accepted everything they threw at me. Besides the incredible mutant powers, which in my opinion, can be proven in a scientific way, there was a minor detail that captured my attention during the film. In fact there are a lot of details that captured my attention, but this one was worthy of my geekness.

At a certain moment during the film, Magneto and his gang are planning to attack Alcatraz Island and sees no other way to reach the island than by levitating the Golden Bridge from his pillars and relocating it to bridge the gap between Alcatraz and the main land. (If you ever have been to Alcatraz, you’ll know there are a zillion ferries to make the trip from Pier 39 to Alcatraz, each with a boarding capacity of over 200 people. But then again, you can’t except one of the most powerful mutants alive to simple buy a boot ticket).

So, really impressive scenery, but during this scene, reality jumped back in and bit me in the arm : Is the Golden Gate bridge wide enough to bridge the gap ??

Well, let’s consult our by-all-loved Google maps, locate the aerial picture of the bay of San Francisco, open the picture in your favorite picture editing tool, select the Golden Gate bridge (the section between the 2 towers is around 0,9 miles) and move/tilt/rotate until you’ll come to the same conclusion : You can’t bridge the gap with the Golden Gate bridge.

Reminds me a bit of the movie Independence Day when they managed to run a virus developed on a Macintosh on an alien computer.