Below is a list and short explanation of ALL  executable commands provided by TRK 3.4.

If you have time on your hands and like reading, you might find some interesting tools here.

/bin/arch                 (1)  – print machine architecture
/bin/awk: nothing appropriate
/bin/basename             (1)  – strip directory and suffix from filenames
/bin/bash                 (1)  – GNU Bourne-Again SHell
/bin/bash2: nothing appropriate
/bin/bggetmotd: nothing appropriate
/bin/blockdevallro: nothing appropriate
/bin/bootrecord: nothing appropriate
/bin/bridge               (8)  – combine all local network cards as a bridge in order to sniff network traffic
/bin/cat                  (1)  – concatenate files and print on the standard output
/bin/chgrp                (1)  – change group ownership
/bin/chmod                (1)  – change file access permissions
/bin/chown                (1)  – change file owner and group
/bin/clonexp: nothing appropriate
/bin/color: nothing appropriate
/bin/consolechars         (8)  – load EGA/VGA console screen font, screen-font map, and/or application-charset map
/bin/cp                   (1)  – copy files and directories
/bin/cpio                 (1)  – copy files to and from archives
/bin/cut                  (1)  – remove sections from each line of files
/bin/date                 (1)  – print or set the system date and time
/bin/dd                   (1)  – convert and copy a file
/bin/df                   (1)  – report filesystem disk space usage
/bin/dircolors            (1)  – color setup for ls
/bin/dmesg                (1)  – print or control the kernel ring buffer
dmesg                (8)  – print or control the kernel ring buffer
/bin/dnsdomainname [hostname] (1)  – show the system’s DNS domain name
/bin/doexec               (1)  – run an executable with an arbitrary argv[0]
/bin/domainname [hostname] (1)  – show or set the system’s NIS/YP domain name
/bin/echo                 (1)  – display a line of text
/bin/echow: nothing appropriate
/bin/ed                   (1)  – text editor
/bin/egrep [grep]         (1)  – print lines matching a pattern
/bin/eject                (1)  – eject removable media
/bin/env                  (1)  – run a program in a modified environment
/bin/ex: nothing appropriate
/bin/expr                 (1)  – evaluate expressions
/bin/false                (1)  – do nothing, unsuccessfully
/bin/fgrep [grep]         (1)  – print lines matching a pattern
/bin/fileserver           (8)  – run a local samba server sharing all of your drives
/bin/find                 (1)  – search for files in a directory hierarchy
/bin/funionfs: nothing appropriate
/bin/gawk                 (1)  – pattern scanning and processing language
/bin/gawk-3.1.4: nothing appropriate
/bin/getmotd: nothing appropriate
/bin/getswap              (8)  – find swapspace in Windows pagefiles and swap partitions and use it as tempspace
/bin/gettext              (1)  – translate message
/bin/grep                 (1)  – print lines matching a pattern
/bin/gtar: nothing appropriate
/bin/gunzip               (1)  – compress or expand files
gunzip [gzip]        (1)  – compress or expand files
gunzip [zcat]        (1)  – compress or expand files
/bin/gzip                 (1)  – compress or expand files
gzip [gunzip]        (1)  – compress or expand files
gzip [zcat]          (1)  – compress or expand files
/bin/head                 (1)  – output the first part of files
/bin/hostname             (1)  – show or set the system’s host name
/bin/id                   (1)  – print real and effective UIDs and GIDs
/bin/igawk                (1)  – gawk with include files
/bin/ipcalc               (1)  – perform simple manipulation of IP addresses
/bin/kill                 (1)  – terminate a process
/bin/lddlibc4: nothing appropriate
/bin/link                 (1)  – call the link function to create a link to a file
/bin/ln                   (1)  – make links between files
/bin/loadkeys             (1)  – load keyboard translation tables
/bin/locale               (1)  – Get locale – specific information
/bin/login                (1)  – sign on
/bin/ls                   (1)  – list directory contents
/bin/lsmod                (8)  – program to show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel
/bin/mail                 (1)  – send and receive mail
/bin/mattrib              (1)  – change MSDOS file attribute flags
/bin/mbadblocks           (1)  – tests a floppy disk, and marks the bad blocks in the FAT
/bin/mcat                 (1)  – dump raw disk image
/bin/mcd                  (1)  – change MSDOS directory
/bin/mclone               (8)  – mass clone PCs over the network using multicast
/bin/mclone1.0: nothing appropriate
/bin/mcopy                (1)  – copy MSDOS files to/from Unix
/bin/mdel                 (1)  – delete an MSDOS file mdeltree – recursively delete an MSDOS directory and its contents
/bin/mdeltree             (1)  – recursively delete an MSDOS directory and its contents
/bin/mdir                 (1)  – display an MSDOS directory
/bin/mdu                  (1)  – display the amount of space occupied by an MSDOS directory
/bin/mformat              (1)  – add an MSDOS filesystem to a low-level formatted floppy disk
/bin/minfo                (1)  – print the parameters of a MSDOS filesystem
/bin/mkdir                (1)  – make directories
/bin/mknod                (1)  – make block or character special files
/bin/mksquashfs: nothing appropriate
/bin/mktemp               (1)  – make temporary filename (unique)
/bin/mlabel               (1)  – make an MSDOS volume label
/bin/mmd                  (1)  – make an MSDOS subdirectory
/bin/mmount               (1)  – mount an MSDOS disk
/bin/mmove                (1)  – move or rename an MSDOS file or subdirectory
/bin/more                 (1)  – file perusal filter for crt viewing
/bin/mount                (8)  – mount a file system
mount.captive [mount] (8)  – mount(8) interface for NTFS disk access
mount.cifs [mount]   (8)  – mount using the Common Internet File System (CIFS)
mount.nfs4 [mount]   (8)  – mount a Network File System
mount.nfs [mount]    (8)  – mount a Network File System
/bin/mountallfs           (8)  – search and mount all local filesystems
/bin/mount.aufs: nothing appropriate
/bin/mpartition           (1)  – partition an MSDOS hard disk
/bin/mrd                  (1)  – remove an MSDOS subdirectory
/bin/mren                 (1)  – rename an existing MSDOS file
/bin/mshowfat             (1)  – shows FAT clusters allocated to file
/bin/mtools               (1)  – utilities to access DOS disks in Unix
/bin/mtoolstest           (1)  – tests and displays the configuration
/bin/mtype                (1)  – display contents of an MSDOS file
/bin/mv                   (1)  – move (rename) files
/bin/mzip                 (1)  – change protection mode and eject disk on Zip/Jaz drive
/bin/netstat              (8)  – Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships
/bin/nice                 (1)  – run a program with modified scheduling priority
/bin/nisdomainname [hostname] (1)  – show or set system’s NIS/YP domain name
/bin/ntfsundeleteall      (8)  – recover deleted files from ntfs volumes
/bin/open                 (1)  – start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT)
/bin/pi: nothing appropriate
/bin/pi16: nothing appropriate
/bin/ping                 (8)  – send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
/bin/progress: nothing appropriate
/bin/ps                   (1)  – report a snapshot of the current processes
/bin/pwd                  (1)  – print name of current/working directory
/bin/rbash                (1)  – restricted bash, see bash(1)
/bin/rbtrecord: nothing appropriate
/bin/readtrkconf: nothing appropriate
/bin/red [ed]             (1)  – text editor
/bin/regedit: nothing appropriate
/bin/rm                   (1)  – remove files or directories
/bin/rmdir                (1)  – remove empty directories
/bin/runtrkoptions: nothing appropriate
/bin/sed                  (1)  – manual page for sed version 4.1.3
/bin/setip                (8)  – set the ip configuration of a local ethernet interface
/bin/setproxy             (8)  – set proxy server parameters for as many as possible applications
/bin/sh: nothing appropriate
/bin/sleep                (1)  – delay for a specified amount of time
/bin/sort                 (1)  – sort lines of text files
/bin/ssh                  (1)  – OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh-add              (1)  – adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent
ssh-agent            (1)  – authentication agent
ssh-copy-id          (1)  – install your in a remote machine’s authorized_keys
ssh-keygen           (1)  – authentication key generation, management and conversion
ssh-keyscan          (1)  – gather ssh public keys
ssh-keysign          (8)  – ssh helper program for hostbased authentication
/bin/stat                 (1)  – display file or filesystem status
/bin/stty                 (1)  – change and print terminal line settings
/bin/su                   (1)  – run a shell with substitute user and group IDs
/bin/sync                 (1)  – flush filesystem buffers
/bin/tail                 (1)  – output the last part of files
/bin/tar: nothing appropriate
/bin/touch                (1)  – change file timestamps
/bin/tput: nothing appropriate
/bin/tr                   (1)  – translate or delete characters
/bin/trinisup             (8)  – utility to get remote help from the TRK team through an ssh tunnel
/bin/trk2iso              (8)  – creates an iso file of your current TRK
/bin/trk2usb              (8)  – transfer TRK from CD to a USB medium
/bin/trkbootnet           (8)  – a utility that makes a TRK network bootserver out of the running TRK
/bin/trkhelp: nothing appropriate
/bin/trkmenu: nothing appropriate
/bin/true                 (1)  – do nothing, successfully
/bin/tty                  (1)  – print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input
/bin/umount               (8)  – unmount file systems
umount.cifs [umount] (8)  – for normal, non-root users, to unmount their own Common Internet File System (CIFS) mounts
/bin/umountallfs: nothing appropriate
/bin/ nothing appropriate
/bin/umount.aufs: nothing appropriate
/bin/umount.cifs3: nothing appropriate
/bin/uname                (1)  – print system information
/bin/unicode_start        (1)  – put the console in Unicode mode
/bin/uniq                 (1)  – remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
/bin/unlink               (1)  – call the unlink function to remove the specified file
/bin/unpi: nothing appropriate
/bin/unsquashfs: nothing appropriate
/bin/updatetrk            (8)  – fetch external third party software for Trinity Rescue kit and apply local changes
/bin/usleep               (1)  – sleep some number of microseconds
/bin/vi: nothing appropriate
/bin/virusscan            (8)  – scan and attempt to disinfect your local drives from viri
/bin/wc                   (1)  – print the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files
/bin/winclean             (8)  – clean up junk files from a Windows installation
/bin/winpass              (8)  – offline reset passwords on MS Windows
/bin/ypdomainname [hostname] (1)  – show or set the system’s NIS/YP domain name
/bin/zcat                 (1)  – compress or expand files
zcat [gunzip]        (1)  – compress or expand files
zcat [gzip]          (1)  – compress or expand files
/sbin/addpart: nothing appropriate
/sbin/agetty               (8)  – alternative Linux getty
/sbin/arping               (8)  – send ARP REQUEST to a neighbour host
/sbin/autoshell: nothing appropriate
/sbin/autoshell-links: nothing appropriate
/sbin/badblocks            (8)  – search a device for bad blocks
/sbin/blkid                (8)  – command-line utility to locate/print block device attributes
/sbin/blockdev             (8)  – call block device ioctls from the command line
/sbin/bootlogd: nothing appropriate
/sbin/cardctl              (8)  – PCMCIA card control utility
/sbin/cardmgr              (8)  – PCMCIA device manager
/sbin/cdsymlinks: nothing appropriate
/sbin/cfdisk               (8)  – Curses based disk partition table manipulator for Linux
/sbin/chassis_id: nothing appropriate
/sbin/chkconfig: nothing appropriate
/sbin/clock: nothing appropriate
/sbin/consoletype          (1)  – print type of the console connected to standard input
/sbin/ctrlaltdel           (8)  – set the function of the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination
/sbin/delpart: nothing appropriate
/sbin/depmod               (8)  – program to generate modules.dep and map files
/sbin/dhclient             (8)  – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
dhclient-script      (8)  – DHCP client network configuration script
/sbin/dhclient-script      (8)  – DHCP client network configuration script
/sbin/dhcpcd               (8)  – DHCP client daemon
/sbin/e2fsck               (8)  – check a Linux ext2/ext3 file system
e2fsck.conf [e2fsck] (5)  – Configuration file for e2fsck
e2fsck [fsck]        (8)  – check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
e2fsck [fsck]        (8)  – check a Linux ext2/ext3 file system
/sbin/fdisk                (8)  – Partition table manipulator for Linux
/sbin/findfs               (8)  – Find a filesystem by label or UUID
/sbin/fsck                 (8)  – check and repair a Linux file system
fsck.minix [fsck]    (8)  – a file system consistency checker for Linux
/sbin/fsck.cramfs: nothing appropriate
/sbin/fsck.ext2: nothing appropriate
/sbin/fsck.ext3: nothing appropriate
/sbin/fsck.ext4: nothing appropriate
/sbin/fsck.ext4dev: nothing appropriate
/sbin/fsck.minix [fsck]    (8)  – a file system consistency checker for Linux
/sbin/fsck.reiserfs: nothing appropriate
/sbin/fsck.vfat: nothing appropriate
/sbin/ftl_check            (8)  – Flash Translation Layer format checker
/sbin/ftl_format           (8)  – Flash Translation Layer formatting utility
/sbin/fuser                (1)  – identify processes using files or sockets
/sbin/getkey: nothing appropriate
/sbin/halt                 (8)  – stop the system
/sbin/halt-no-eject: nothing appropriate
/sbin/hotplug              (8)  – Linux hotplugging support scripts
/sbin/hwclock              (8)  – query and set the hardware clock (RTC)
/sbin/ide_info             (8)  – IDE device description tool
/sbin/ifconfig             (8)  – configure a network interface
/sbin/ifdown: nothing appropriate
/sbin/ifplugd              (8)  – A link detection daemon for ethernet devices
/sbin/ifplugstatus         (8)  – A link beat detection tool
/sbin/ifport               (8)  – select the transceiver type for a network interface
/sbin/ifup: nothing appropriate
/sbin/ifuser               (8)  – identify destinations routed to a particular network interface
/sbin/init                 (8)  – process control initialization
/sbin/initlog              (1)  – log messages and events to the system logger
/sbin/insmod               (8)  – simple program to insert a module into the Linux Kernel
insmod [insmod-25]   (8)  – simple program to insert a module into the Linux Kernel
/sbin/insmod-25: nothing appropriate
/sbin/ip                   (8)  – TCP/IP interface configuration and routing utility
/sbin/killall5: nothing appropriate
/sbin/klogd                (8)  – Kernel Log Daemon
/sbin/ksyms                (8)  – display exported kernel symbols
/sbin/ldconfig: nothing appropriate
/sbin/logsave              (8)  – save the output of a command in a logfile
/sbin/losetup              (8)  – set up and control loop devices
/sbin/lsmod                (8)  – program to show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel
/sbin/lsof                 (8)  – list open files
/sbin/makedev              (8)  – create devices
/sbin/mesg                 (1)  – control write access to your terminal
/sbin/mke2fs               (8)  – create an ext2/ext3 filesystem
mke2fs [mkfs]        (8)  – create an ext2/ext3 filesystem
/sbin/mkfs                 (8)  – build a Linux file system
mkfs.bfs [mkfs]      (8)  – make an SCO bfs filesystem
mkfs.minix [mkfs]    (8)  – make a Linux MINIX filesystem
mkfs.xfs [mkfs]      (8)  – construct an XFS filesystem
/sbin/mkfs.bfs [mkfs]      (8)  – make an SCO bfs filesystem
/sbin/mkfs.cramfs: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mkfs.ext2: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mkfs.ext3: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mkfs.ext4: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mkfs.ext4dev: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mkfs.minix [mkfs]    (8)  – make a Linux MINIX filesystem
/sbin/mkfs.msdos: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mkfs.ntfs: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mkfs.reiserfs: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mkfs.vfat: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mkfs.xfs [mkfs]      (8)  – construct an XFS filesystem
/sbin/mkswap               (8)  – set up a Linux swap area
/sbin/modinfo              (8)  – program to show information about a Linux Kernel module
/sbin/modprobe             (8)  – program to add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel
modprobe [modprobe-25] (8)  – program to add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel
/sbin/modprobe-25: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.captive [mount] (8)  – mount(8) interface for NTFS disk access
/sbin/mount.captive-cdfs: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.captive-ext2fsd: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.captive-fastfat: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.captive-ntfs: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.cifs [mount]   (8)  – mount using the Common Internet File System (CIFS)
/sbin/mount.cifs3: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.fuse: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.nfs [mount]    (8)  – mount a Network File System
/sbin/mount.ntfs-3g: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.ntfs-fuse: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mountpoint: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.smb: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.smb3: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.smbfs: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.smbfs3: nothing appropriate
/sbin/mount.sshfs: nothing appropriate
/sbin/nfsddebug: nothing appropriate
/sbin/nfsdebug: nothing appropriate
/sbin/nologin              (8)  – politely refuse a login
/sbin/pack_cis             (8)  – compile PCMCIA Card Information Structures
/sbin/pam_console_apply    (8)  – set or revoke permissions for users at the system console
/sbin/pam_console_setowner: nothing appropriate
/sbin/partx: nothing appropriate
/sbin/pcic_probe           (8)  – PCMCIA interface controller probe
/sbin/pcinitrd             (8)  – create a PCMCIA initrd ram disk image
/sbin/pidof: nothing appropriate
/sbin/pivot_root           (8)  – change the root file system
/sbin/portmap              (8)  – DARPA port to RPC program number mapper
/sbin/reboot [halt]        (8)  – stop the system
/sbin/reboot-no-eject: nothing appropriate
/sbin/rmmod                (8)  – simple program to remove a module from the Linux Kernel
rmmod [rmmod-24]     (8)  – unload loadable modules
rmmod [rmmod-25]     (8)  – simple program to remove a module from the Linux Kernel
/sbin/rmmod-25: nothing appropriate
/sbin/route                (8)  – show / manipulate the IP routing table
/sbin/rpcdebug: nothing appropriate
/sbin/rpc.lockd [lockd]    (8)  – start kernel lockd process
/sbin/rpc.statd [statd]    (8)  – NSM status monitor
/sbin/runlevel: nothing appropriate
/sbin/scsi_id              (8)  – retrieve and generate a unique SCSI identifier
/sbin/scsi_info            (8)  – SCSI device description tool
/sbin/service: nothing appropriate
/sbin/setsysfont: nothing appropriate
/sbin/sfdisk               (8)  – Partition table manipulator for Linux
/sbin/shutdown             (8)  – bring the system down
/sbin/sulogin: nothing appropriate
/sbin/swapoff [swapon]     (8)  – enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
/sbin/swapon               (8)  – enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
/sbin/sysctl               (8)  – configure kernel parameters at runtime
/sbin/syslogd: nothing appropriate
/sbin/telinit [init]       (8)  – process control initialization
/sbin/trypcmcia: nothing appropriate
/sbin/tryscsi: nothing appropriate
/sbin/tryusb: nothing appropriate
/sbin/udev                 (8)  – Linux configurable dynamic device naming support
/sbin/udevd                (8)  – udev event serializer daemon and udev event sender
/sbin/udev-klibc: nothing appropriate
/sbin/ nothing appropriate
/sbin/udevsend: nothing appropriate
/sbin/udevstart            (8)  – populate initial device directory
/sbin/udevstart-klibc: nothing appropriate
/sbin/update-usb.usermap [update-usb] (8)  – generate hotplug usb.usermap
/sbin/utmpdump: nothing appropriate
/sbin/wall                 (1)  – write a message to users
/usr/bin/[: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/7za                  (1)  – A file archiver with highest compression ratio
/usr/bin/acpi: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/acpi_available       (1)  – test whether ACPI subsystem is available
/usr/bin/acpitool: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/afio                 (1)  – manipulate archives and files
/usr/bin/apropos              (1)  – search the whatis database for strings
/usr/bin/at                   (1)  – queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
/usr/bin/auchk: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/auplink: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/base64               (1)  – base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output
/usr/bin/bc: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/be: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/bmore: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/bonnie: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/buffer: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/burnBX: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/burnK6: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/burnK7: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/burnMMX: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/burnP5: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/burnP6: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/bvedit: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/bvi: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/bview: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/bzcat [bzip2]        (1)  – decompresses files to stdout
/usr/bin/bzip2                (1)  – a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.2
/usr/bin/bzmore: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/cal                  (1)  – displays a calendar
/usr/bin/captive-cmdline      (1)  – Command-line client for captive(7) NTFS disk access
/usr/bin/captive-lufsd: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/captive-lufsd-bin: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/captive-lufsmnt: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/captoinfo: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/cdrecord             (1)  – record audio or data Compact Disks or Digital Versatile Disks from a master
/usr/bin/charset              (1)  – Set an ACM for use in one of the G0/G1 charset slots
/usr/bin/chattr: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/check_wtmpx: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/chkdirs: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/chklastlog: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/chkproc: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/chkrootkit: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/chkutmp: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/chkwtmp: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/chntpw: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/chrt                 (1)  – manipulate real-time attributes of a process
/usr/bin/chvt                 (1)  – change foreground virtual terminal
/usr/bin/cksum                (1)  – checksum and count the bytes in a file
/usr/bin/clamav-config: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/clamconf             (1)  – Clam AntiVirus configuration utility
/usr/bin/clamdscan            (1)  – scan files and directories for viruses using Clam AntiVirus Daemon
/usr/bin/clamdtop             (1)  – monitor the Clam AntiVirus Daemon
/usr/bin/clamscan             (1)  – scan files and directories for viruses
/usr/bin/clear                (1)  – clear the terminal screen
/usr/bin/cmp                  (1)  – compare two files byte by byte
/usr/bin/codepage: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/col                  (1)  – filter reverse line feeds from input
/usr/bin/colcrt               (1)  – filter nroff output for CRT previewing
/usr/bin/colrm                (1)  – remove columns from a file
/usr/bin/column               (1)  – columnate lists
/usr/bin/comm: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/csplit: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/curl                 (1)  – transfer a URL
/usr/bin/ nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/cytune               (8)  – Tune Cyclades driver parameters
cytune               (8)  – Tune driver parameters for Cyclades-Z multiport serial card
/usr/bin/dbus-cleanup-sockets (1)  – clean up leftover sockets in a directory
/usr/bin/dbus-daemon          (1)  – Message bus daemon
/usr/bin/dbus-send            (1)  – Send a message to a message bus
/usr/bin/dcgen: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ddate                (1)  – converts Gregorian dates to Discordian dates
/usr/bin/ddrescue             (1)  – manual page for ddrescue 1.8
/usr/bin/dd_rescue: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/dd_rhelp: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/de: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/deallocvt            (1)  – deallocate unused virtual terminals
/usr/bin/diff                 (1)  – compare files line by line
/usr/bin/dig                  (1)  – DNS lookup utility
/usr/bin/dir: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/dirname: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/dk: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/du                   (1)  – estimate file space usage
/usr/bin/dumpkeys             (1)  – dump keyboard translation tables
/usr/bin/env                  (1)  – run a program in a modified environment
/usr/bin/es: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/expand: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/factor: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fatback: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fbmngplay.static: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fbresolution: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fbtruetype.static: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fgconsole            (1)  – print the number of the active VT
/usr/bin/file                 (1)  – determine file type
/usr/bin/findsmb3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fix_bs_and_del: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/flock                (1)  – Manage locks from shell scripts
/usr/bin/floppyd              (1)  – floppy daemon for remote access to floppy drive floppyd_installtest – tests whether floppyd is installed and running
/usr/bin/floppyd_installtest  (1)  – tests whether floppyd is installed and running
/usr/bin/fmt: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fold: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/font2psf: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fping: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fr: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/free: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/freshclam            (1)  – update virus databases
freshclam.conf [freshclam] (5)  – Configuration file for Clam AntiVirus database update tool
/usr/bin/ftp                  (1)  – ARPANET file transfer program
/usr/bin/fusermount: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fusesmb: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/fusesmb.cache: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/gendiff              (1)  – utility to aid in error-free diff file generation
/usr/bin/getkeycodes          (8)  – print kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table
/usr/bin/getopt               (1)  – parse command options (enhanced)
/usr/bin/ginstall: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/gpart: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/gpm-root             (1)  – a default handler for gpm, used to draw menus on the root window
/usr/bin/groff                (1)  – front-end for the groff document formatting system
/usr/bin/grotty: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/groups: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/gtbl: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/hal-find-by-capability: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/hal-find-by-property: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/hal-get-property: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/hal-set-property: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/hexdump              (1)  – ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
/usr/bin/hltest: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/host                 (1)  – DNS lookup utility
/usr/bin/hostid: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/i386: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ifpromisc: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ionice               (1)  – get/set program io scheduling class and priority
/usr/bin/ipcmk                (1)  – create various ipc resources
/usr/bin/ipcrm                (1)  – remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id
/usr/bin/ipcs                 (1)  – provide information on ipc facilities
/usr/bin/isosize              (8)  – outputs the length of a iso9660 file system
isosize              (8)  – outputs the length of an iso9660 file system
/usr/bin/it: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/join: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/kbd_mode             (1)  – report or set the keyboard mode
/usr/bin/killall              (1)  – kill processes by name
/usr/bin/ldd                  (1)  – print shared library dependencies
/usr/bin/lde: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/less                 (1)  – opposite of more
/usr/bin/less.bin: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/lftp                 (1)  – Sophisticated file transfer program
/usr/bin/lftpget: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/line                 (1)  – read one line
/usr/bin/links                (1)  – lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
/usr/bin/links2: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/linux32: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/linux64: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/loadunimap: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/localedef            (1)  – compile locale definition files
/usr/bin/logger               (1)  – a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module
/usr/bin/logname: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/look                 (1)  – display lines beginning with a given string
/usr/bin/lsattr: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/lscpu                (1)  – CPU architecture information helper
/usr/bin/lshal: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/lspci                (8)  – list all PCI devices
/usr/bin/lz: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/man                  (1)  – format and display the on-line manual pages
/usr/bin/mapscrn: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mc                   (1)  – Visual shell for Unix-like systems
/usr/bin/mcedit               (1)  – Internal file editor of GNU Midnight Commander
/usr/bin/mcheck: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mcmfmt: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mcomp: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mcookie              (1)  – generate magic cookies for xauth
/usr/bin/mcview               (1)  – Internal file viewer of GNU Midnight Commander
/usr/bin/md5sum               (1)  – compute and check MD5 message digest
/usr/bin/mesg                 (1)  – control write access to your terminal
/usr/bin/mev                  (1)  – a program to report mouse events
/usr/bin/mgzip: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mkdirhier: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mkdiskimage: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mkfifo: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mkisofs              (8)  – create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem with optional Rock Ridge attributes
/usr/bin/mkmanifest           (1)  – makes list of file names and their DOS 8+3 equivalent
/usr/bin/mk_modmap: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mkntfs               (8)  – create an NTFS file system
/usr/bin/mount.cifs3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mouseps2: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mouseser: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mprime: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ms-sys: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/mxtar: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/namei                (1)  – follow a pathname until a terminal point is found
/usr/bin/nc: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/net                  (8)  – Tool for administration of Samba and remote CIFS servers
/usr/bin/netcat               (1)  – GNU Netcat Manual
/usr/bin/netperf              (1)  – a network performance benchmark
/usr/bin/netserver            (1)  – a network performance benchmark server
/usr/bin/nl                   (1)  – number lines of files
/usr/bin/nmap                 (1)  – Network exploration tool and security scanner
/usr/bin/nmblookup3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/no: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/nohup                (1)  – run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty
/usr/bin/nroff                (1)  – emulate nroff command with groff
/usr/bin/nslookup             (1)  – query Internet name servers interactively
/usr/bin/ntfs-3g              (8)  – Third Generation Read/Write NTFS Driver
ntfs-3g.probe [ntfs-3g] (8)  – Probe an NTFS volume mountability
ntfs-3g.secaudit [ntfs-3g] (8)  – NTFS Security Data Auditing
ntfs-3g.usermap [ntfs-3g] (8)  – NTFS Building a User Mapping File
/usr/bin/ntfs-3g.probe [ntfs-3g] (8)  – Probe an NTFS volume mountability
/usr/bin/ntfs-3g.secaudit [ntfs-3g] (8)  – NTFS Security Data Auditing
/usr/bin/ntfs-3g.usermap [ntfs-3g] (8)  – NTFS Building a User Mapping File
/usr/bin/ntfscat              (8)  – print NTFS files and streams on the standard output
/usr/bin/ntfscluster          (8)  – identify files in a specified region of an NTFS volume
/usr/bin/ntfscmp              (8)  – compare two NTFS filesystems and tell the differences
/usr/bin/ntfscp               (8)  – copy file to an NTFS volume
/usr/bin/ntfsfix              (8)  – fix common errors and force Windows to check NTFS
/usr/bin/ntfsinfo             (8)  – dump a file’s attributes
/usr/bin/ntfslabel            (8)  – display/change the label on an ntfs file system
/usr/bin/ntfsls               (8)  – list directory contents on an NTFS filesystem
/usr/bin/ntfsmount            (8)  – Read/Write userspace NTFS driver
/usr/bin/ntfsreloc: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ntfsresize           (8)  – resize an NTFS filesystem without data loss
/usr/bin/ntlm_auth            (1)  – tool to allow external access to Winbind’s NTLM authentication function
/usr/bin/od                   (1)  – dump files in octal and other formats
/usr/bin/openvt               (1)  – start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT)
/usr/bin/passwd               (1)  – update a user’s authentication tokens(s)
/usr/bin/paste: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/patch: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/pathchk: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/pbzip2: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/pdbedit              (8)  – manage the SAM database (Database of Samba Users)
/usr/bin/perl                 (1)  – Practical Extraction and Report Language
/usr/bin/perl5: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/perl5.8.6: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/perlbug              (1)  – how to submit bug reports on Perl
/usr/bin/pg                   (1)  – browse pagewise through text files
/usr/bin/pico: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/pinky: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/pkill: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/pr: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/printenv             (1)  – print all or part of environment
/usr/bin/printf               (1)  – format and print data
/usr/bin/profiles             (1)  – A utility to report and change SIDs in registry files
/usr/bin/psfaddtable          (1)  – add a Unicode character table to a console font
/usr/bin/psfgettable          (1)  – extract the embedded Unicode character table from a console font
/usr/bin/psfstriptable        (1)  – remove the embedded Unicode character table from a console font
/usr/bin/pt: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ptx: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/python               (1)  – an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
/usr/bin/raw                  (8)  – bind a Linux raw character device
/usr/bin/readlink: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/reged: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/relocntfs: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/rename               (1)  – Rename files
/usr/bin/renice               (1)  – alter priority of running processes
/usr/bin/reset: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/resizecons           (8)  – change kernel idea of the console size
/usr/bin/rev                  (1)  – reverse lines of a file
rev                  (1)  – reverse lines of a file or files
/usr/bin/rkhunter             (8)  – RootKit Hunter
/usr/bin/rpcclient            (1)  – tool for executing client side MS-RPC functions
/usr/bin/rpm                  (8)  – RPM Package Manager
/usr/bin/rpm2cpio             (8)  – Extract cpio archive from RPM Package Manager (RPM) package
/usr/bin/ nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/rpm2header: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/rpmbuild             (8)  – Build RPM Package(s)
/usr/bin/rpmdb: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/rpme: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/rpmi: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/rpmquery: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/rpmsign: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/rpmu: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/rpmverify: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/rsync                (1)  – faster, flexible replacement for rcp
/usr/bin/run-bonnie: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/saveunimap: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/scp                  (1)  – secure copy (remote file copy program)
/usr/bin/screen: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/screendump: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/script               (1)  – make typescript of terminal session
/usr/bin/scriptreplay         (1)  – play back typescripts, using timing information
/usr/bin/se: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/seq: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/setarch              (8)  – change reported architecture in new program environment and set personality flags
/usr/bin/setfont: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/setkeycodes          (8)  – load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries
/usr/bin/setleds              (1)  – set the keyboard leds
/usr/bin/setmetamode          (1)  – define the keyboard meta key handling
/usr/bin/setsid               (1)  – run a program in a new session
/usr/bin/setterm              (1)  – set terminal attributes
/usr/bin/setuidgid: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/setvesablank: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/sftp                 (1)  – secure file transfer program
/usr/bin/sha1sum: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/sha224sum: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/sha256sum: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/sha384sum: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/sha512sum: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/showcfont: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/showkey              (1)  – examine the scan codes and keycodes sent by the keyboard
/usr/bin/shred                (1)  – delete a file securely, first overwriting it to hide its contents
/usr/bin/shuf: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/sigtool              (1)  – signature and database management tool
/usr/bin/smbcacls             (1)  – Set or get ACLs on an NT file or directory names
/usr/bin/smbclient            (1)  – ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers
smbclient [smbclient3] (1)  – ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers
/usr/bin/smbclient3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/smbcontrol           (1)  – send messages to smbd, nmbd or winbindd processes
/usr/bin/smbcquotas           (1)  – Set or get QUOTAs of NTFS 5 shares
/usr/bin/smbget               (1)  – wget-like utility for download files over SMB
smbget [smbget3]     (1)  – wget-like utility for download files over SMB
/usr/bin/smbget3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/smbmnt               (8)  – helper utility for mounting SMB filesystems
smbmnt [smbmnt3]     (8)  – helper utility for mounting SMB filesystems
/usr/bin/smbmnt3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/smbmount             (8)  – mount an smbfs filesystem
smbmount [smbmount3] (8)  – mount an smbfs filesystem
/usr/bin/smbmount3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/smbpasswd            (8)  – change a user’s SMB password
/usr/bin/smbprint: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/smbprint3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/smbspool             (8)  – send a print file to an SMB printer
smbspool [smbspool3] (8)  – send a print file to an SMB printer
/usr/bin/smbspool3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/smbstatus            (1)  – report on current Samba connections
/usr/bin/smbtar [smbtar3]     (1)  – shell script for backing up SMB/CIFS shares directly to UNIX tape drives
/usr/bin/smbtar3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/smbtree              (1)  – A text based smb network browser
/usr/bin/smbumount            (8)  – smbfs umount for normal users
smbumount [smbumount3] (8)  – smbfs umount for normal users
/usr/bin/smbumount3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/split                (1)  – split a file into pieces
/usr/bin/splitfont: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ssh                  (1)  – OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh-add              (1)  – adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent
ssh-agent            (1)  – authentication agent
ssh-copy-id          (1)  – install your in a remote machine’s authorized_keys
ssh-keygen           (1)  – authentication key generation, management and conversion
ssh-keyscan          (1)  – gather ssh public keys
ssh-keysign          (8)  – ssh helper program for hostbased authentication
/usr/bin/ssh-add              (1)  – adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent
/usr/bin/ssh-agent            (1)  – authentication agent
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id          (1)  – install your in a remote machine’s authorized_keys
/usr/bin/sshfs: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ssh-keygen           (1)  – authentication key generation, management and conversion
/usr/bin/ssh-keyscan          (1)  – gather ssh public keys
/usr/bin/ssh-keysign          (8)  – ssh helper program for hostbased authentication
/usr/bin/strace               (1)  – trace system calls and signals
/usr/bin/strings              (1)  – print the strings of printable characters in files
/usr/bin/strings-static: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/sum: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/syslinux: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/tac: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/tailf                (1)  – follow the growth of a log file
/usr/bin/taskset              (1)  – retrieve or set a process’s CPU affinity
/usr/bin/tdbbackup            (8)  – tool for backing up and for validating the integrity of samba .tdb files
/usr/bin/tdbdump              (8)  – tool for printing the contents of a TDB file
/usr/bin/tdbtool: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/tee                  (1)  – read from standard input and write to standard output and files
/usr/bin/telnet               (1)  – user interface to the TELNET protocol
/usr/bin/test: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/testparm             (1)  – check an smb.conf configuration file for internal correctness
/usr/bin/testprns: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/tgz: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/tic: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/time: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/top                  (1)  – display Linux tasks
/usr/bin/troff: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/truecrypt: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/tset: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/tsort: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ttcp: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ttcp-receive: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ttcp-transmit: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/udevinfo             (8)  – retrieve information from udev
/usr/bin/udevtest             (8)  – simulates a udev run to test the configured rules
/usr/bin/udp-receiver         (1)  – receive files broadcast by udp-sender
/usr/bin/udp-sender           (1)  – broadcast file on a LAN
/usr/bin/uk: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ul                   (1)  – do underlining
/usr/bin/ulockmgr_server: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/umount.cifs3: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/unexpand: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/unicode_start        (1)  – put the console in Unicode mode
/usr/bin/unicode_stop         (1)  – put the console out of unicode mode (ie. in 8-bit mode)
/usr/bin/unzip                (1)  – list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
/usr/bin/uptime               (1)  – Tell how long the system has been running
/usr/bin/upx: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/us: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/users: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/uuidgen              (1)  – command-line utility to create a new UUID value
/usr/bin/uz: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/vcstime: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/vdir: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/vi: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/vim-enhanced: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/vt-is-UTF8           (1)  – check whether current VT is in UTF8- or byte-mode
/usr/bin/watch: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/Wget [wget]          (1)  – The non-interactive network downloader
/usr/bin/wgetpaste: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/whatis: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/ nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/whereis              (1)  – locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command
/usr/bin/which                (1)  – shows the full path of (shell) commands
/usr/bin/who: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/whoami: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/write                (1)  – send a message to another user
/usr/bin/writevt: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/xargs                (1)  – build and execute command lines from standard input
/usr/bin/yes: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/zipmt: nothing appropriate
/usr/bin/zmore: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/add-to-netprofile: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/adduser: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/arp                  (8)  – manipulate the system ARP cache
/usr/sbin/auplink: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/bootanim: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/brctl                (8)  – ethernet bridge administration
/usr/sbin/captive-install-acquire (1)  – Find MS Windows XP driver files for NTFS
/usr/sbin/captive-install-fstab (1)  – Manage captive-ntfs /etc/fstab entries
/usr/sbin/captive-sandbox-server (1)  – Security+safety wrapper for NTFS disk access
/usr/sbin/cardmgr              (8)  – PCMCIA device manager
/usr/sbin/chkconfig: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/chroot               (1)  – run command or interactive shell with special root directory
/usr/sbin/clamd                (8)  – an anti-virus daemon
clamd.conf [clamd]   (5)  – Configuration file for Clam AntiVirus Daemon
/usr/sbin/clone-netprofile: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/create-cracklib-dict: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/cryptsetup: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ctrlaltdel           (8)  – set the function of the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination
/usr/sbin/debugfs              (8)  – ext2/ext3 file system debugger
/usr/sbin/debugreiserfs        (8)  – The debugging tool for the ReiserFS filesystem
/usr/sbin/depmod-24: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/depmod-25: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/depmod.old: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/dhcpd                (8)  – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server
dhcpd.conf [dhcpd]   (5)  – dhcpd configuration file
dhcpd.leases [dhcpd] (5)  – DHCP client lease database
/usr/sbin/diskdrake: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/dmeventd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/dmevent_tool: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/dmraid               (8)  – discover, configure and activate software (ATA)RAID
/usr/sbin/dmsetup              (8)  – low level logical volume management
/usr/sbin/dosfsck              (8)  – check and repair MS-DOS file systems
/usr/sbin/drakkeyboard: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/dump: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/dump_cis             (8)  – display PCMCIA Card Information Structures
/usr/sbin/dumpe2fs             (8)  – dump ext2/ext3 filesystem information
/usr/sbin/e2image: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/e2label: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/e2undo: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/elvtune: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ether-wake: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ethtool              (8)  – Display or change ethernet card settings
/usr/sbin/exportfs             (8)  – maintain list of NFS exported file systems
/usr/sbin/fastboot: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/fasthalt: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/fdformat             (8)  – Low-level formats a floppy disk
/usr/sbin/filefrag             (8)  – report on file fragmentation
/usr/sbin/fix-mouse-psaux: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/fsadm                (8)  – utility to resize or check filesystem on a device
/usr/sbin/fsck.reiserfs: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/fsck.xfs: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/fstab-sync           (8)  – Update the /etc/fstab file in response to HAL events
/usr/sbin/generate-modprobe.conf: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/genhostid: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/genksyms: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/gpm                  (8)  – a cut and paste utility and mouse server for virtual consoles
gpm-root             (1)  – a default handler for gpm, used to draw menus on the root window
/usr/sbin/groupadd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/grub                 (8)  – the grub shell
grub-install         (8)  – install GRUB on your drive
grub-md5-crypt       (8)  – Encrypt a password in MD5 format
grub-terminfo        (8)  – Generate a terminfo command from a terminfo name
/usr/sbin/grub-install         (8)  – install GRUB on your drive
/usr/sbin/grub-md5-crypt       (8)  – Encrypt a password in MD5 format
/usr/sbin/grub-set-default: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/grub-terminfo        (8)  – Generate a terminfo command from a terminfo name
/usr/sbin/hald: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/hdparm               (8)  – get/set SATA/ATA device parameters
/usr/sbin/hotplugctl: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ifcfg: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ifenslave: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ifrename             (8)  – rename network interfaces based on various static criteria
/usr/sbin/insmod-24: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/insmod-DIET: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/insmod_ksymoops_clean: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/insmod.old: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/insmod.static: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/install-info: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/installkernel: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/in.tftpd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ipmaddr: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/iptables             (8)  – administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT
iptables-restore     (8)  – Restore IP Tables
iptables-save        (8)  – Save IP Tables
/usr/sbin/iptables-restore     (8)  – Restore IP Tables
/usr/sbin/iptables-save        (8)  – Save IP Tables
/usr/sbin/iptunnel: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/iwconfig             (8)  – configure a wireless network interface
/usr/sbin/iwevent              (8)  – Display Wireless Events generated by drivers and setting changes
/usr/sbin/iwgetid              (8)  – Report ESSID, NWID or AP/Cell Address of wireless network
/usr/sbin/iwlist               (8)  – Get more detailed wireless information from a wireless interface
/usr/sbin/iwpriv               (8)  – configure optionals (private) parameters of a wireless network interface
/usr/sbin/iwspy                (8)  – Get wireless statistics from specific nodes
/usr/sbin/kallsyms: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/kbdrate: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/kernel_remove_initrd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/kernelversion: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/keyboarddrake: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/kudzu                (8)  – detects and configures new and/or changed hardware on a system
/usr/sbin/laptop-mode: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ldattach             (8)  – attach a line discipline to a serial line
/usr/sbin/ldconfig: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/lilo                 (8)  – install boot loader
/usr/sbin/lshw                 (1)  – list hardware
/usr/sbin/lsmod-24: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/lsmod-25: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/lsmod.old: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/lspci                (8)  – list all PCI devices
/usr/sbin/lspnp                (8)  – list Plug and Play BIOS device nodes and resources
/usr/sbin/lsusb                (8)  – list USB devices
/usr/sbin/lvchange             (8)  – change attributes of a logical volume
/usr/sbin/lvconvert            (8)  – convert a logical volume from linear to mirror or snapshot
/usr/sbin/lvcreate             (8)  – create a logical volume in an existing volume group
/usr/sbin/lvdisplay            (8)  – display attributes of a logical volume
/usr/sbin/lvextend             (8)  – extend the size of a logical volume
/usr/sbin/lvm                  (8)  – LVM2 tools
lvm.conf [lvm]       (5)  – Configuration file for LVM2
/usr/sbin/lvm2: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/lvmchange            (8)  – change attributes of the logical volume manager
/usr/sbin/lvmdiskscan          (8)  – scan for all devices visible to LVM2
/usr/sbin/lvmdump              (8)  – create lvm2 information dumps for diagnostic purposes
/usr/sbin/lvmsadc: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/lvmsar: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/lvreduce             (8)  – reduce the size of a logical volume
/usr/sbin/lvremove             (8)  – remove a logical volume
/usr/sbin/lvrename             (8)  – rename a logical volume
/usr/sbin/lvresize             (8)  – resize a logical volume
/usr/sbin/lvs                  (8)  – report information about logical volumes
/usr/sbin/lvscan               (8)  – scan (all disks) for logical volumes
/usr/sbin/makewhatis: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mdadm                (8)  – manage MD devices aka Linux Software Raid
/usr/sbin/mdassemble: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mii-tool: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mindi                (8)  – a tool for creating boot/root disks
/usr/sbin/mindi-bkphw: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mindi-get-perl-modules: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mingetty: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mingetty-DIET: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/minilogd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mkdosfs              (8)  – create an MS-DOS file system under Linux
/usr/sbin/mkfs.msdos: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mkfs.reiserfs: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mkfs.vfat: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs [mkfs]      (8)  – construct an XFS filesystem
/usr/sbin/mkinitrd             (8)  – creates initial ramdisk images for preloading modules
/usr/sbin/mklost+found         (8)  – create a lost+found directory on a mounted Linux second extended file system
/usr/sbin/mkntfs               (8)  – create an NTFS file system
/usr/sbin/mkpv                 (8)  – creates PV
/usr/sbin/mkraid               (8)  – initializes/upgrades RAID device arrays
/usr/sbin/mkreiserfs           (8)  – The create tool for the Linux ReiserFS filesystem
/usr/sbin/mkrescue             (8)  – make rescue floppy
/usr/sbin/modinfo-24: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/modinfo-25: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/modinfo.old: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/modprobe-24: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/modprobe.old: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/module_upgrade       (8)  – changes obsolete modules.conf entries to current ones
/usr/sbin/mondoarchive         (8)  – a backup / disaster-recovery tool
/usr/sbin/mondorestore         (8)  – a restore / disaster-recovery tool
/usr/sbin/mount.aufs: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mount.captive [mount] (8)  – mount(8) interface for NTFS disk access
/usr/sbin/mount.fuse.ntfs: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mount.smbfs3: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mouseconfig: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mrtest_mountlist: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/mrtest_truncname: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/nameif: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/nash: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/netplugd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/netprofile: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/netreport: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/nfsstat              (8)  – print NFS statistics
/usr/sbin/nhfsgraph            (8)  – Run nhfsstone over multiple loads
/usr/sbin/nhfsnums             (8)  – Convert nhfsrun output to
/usr/sbin/nhfsrun              (8)  – Run nhfsstone over multiple loads
/usr/sbin/nhfsstone            (8)  – Network File System benchmark program
/usr/sbin/nmbd                 (8)  – NetBIOS name server to provide NetBIOS over IP naming services to clients
/usr/sbin/ntfsclone            (8)  – Efficiently clone, image, restore or rescue an NTFS
/usr/sbin/ntfsclone-1.12.1: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ntfsclone-1.13.1: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ntfsclone-2.0.0: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ntfscp               (8)  – copy file to an NTFS volume
/usr/sbin/ntfslabel            (8)  – display/change the label on an ntfs file system
/usr/sbin/ntfsresize           (8)  – resize an NTFS filesystem without data loss
/usr/sbin/ntfsundelete         (8)  – recover a deleted file from an NTFS volume
/usr/sbin/pam_tally: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/pam_timestamp_check: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/parted: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/parted2fdisk: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/partimage: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/partimaged: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/partimagedssl: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/partimagessl: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/partprobe            (8)  – inform the OS of partition table changes
/usr/sbin/photorec             (1)  – Recover lost files from harddisk, digital camera and cdrom
/usr/sbin/pidof: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/plipconfig: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/poweroff [halt]      (8)  – stop the system
/usr/sbin/ppp-watch: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/pvchange             (8)  – change attributes of a physical volume
/usr/sbin/pvck                 (8)  – check physical volume metadata
/usr/sbin/pvcreate             (8)  – initialize a disk or partition for use by LVM
/usr/sbin/pvdisplay            (8)  – display attributes of a physical volume
/usr/sbin/pvmove               (8)  – move physical extents
/usr/sbin/pvremove             (8)  – remove a physical volume
/usr/sbin/pvresize             (8)  – resize a disk or partition in use by LVM2
/usr/sbin/pvs                  (8)  – report information about physical volumes
/usr/sbin/pvscan               (8)  – scan all disks for physical volumes
/usr/sbin/pwdb_chkpwd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/qtparted: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/raid0run             (8)  – starts up old (superblock-less) RAID0/LINEAR arrays
/usr/sbin/raidhotadd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/raidhotremove: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/raidsetfaulty: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/raidstart            (8)  – command set to manage md devices
/usr/sbin/raidstop, [raidstart] (8)  – command set to manage md devices
/usr/sbin/ramsize: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/rdev                 (8)  – query/set image root device, RAM disk size, or video mode
/usr/sbin/readprofile          (1)  – a tool to read kernel profiling information
/usr/sbin/reboot [halt]        (8)  – stop the system
/usr/sbin/reiserfsck           (8)  – The checking tool for the ReiserFS filesystem
/usr/sbin/reiserfstune         (8)  – The tunning tool for the ReiserFS filesystem
/usr/sbin/remove-from-netprofile: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/rescuept: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/resize2fs            (8)  – ext2/ext3 file system resizer
/usr/sbin/resize_reiserfs      (8)  – resizer tool for the ReiserFS filesystem
/usr/sbin/restore: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/rmmod-24: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/rmmod.old: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/rmt-tar: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/rootflags: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/routef: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/routel: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/rpcinfo              (8)  – report RPC information
/usr/sbin/rpcinfo-flushed: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/rpc.mountd [mountd]  (8)  – NFS mount daemon
/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd [nfsd]      (8)  – NFS server process
/usr/sbin/rtacct: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/rtcwake              (8)  – enter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time
/usr/sbin/rtmon: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/samba: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/sash: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/save-netprofile: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/sendmail [ssmtp]     (8)  – send a message using smtp
/usr/sbin/set-netprofile: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/setpci               (8)  – configure PCI devices
/usr/sbin/slattach: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/sln: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/smartctl: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/smartd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/smbd                 (8)  – server to provide SMB/CIFS services to clients
/usr/sbin/splash: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/ nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/sshd                 (8)  – OpenSSH SSH daemon
/usr/sbin/ssmtp                (8)  – send a message using smtp
ssmtp.conf [ssmtp]   (5)  – ssmtp configuration file
/usr/sbin/swapoff [swapon]     (8)  – enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
/usr/sbin/tc: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/tcpdump              (1)  – dump traffic on a network
/usr/sbin/telinit [init]       (8)  – process control initialization
/usr/sbin/testdisk             (1)  – Scan and repair disk partitions
/usr/sbin/traceroute           (8)  – print the route packets take to network host
/usr/sbin/tune2fs              (8)  – adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3 filesystems
/usr/sbin/typescript: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/umount.aufs: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/umount.cifs [umount] (8)  – for normal, non-root users, to unmount their own Common Internet File System (CIFS) mounts
/usr/sbin/umount.cifs3: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/unix_chkpwd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/update-usb.usermap [update-usb] (8)  – generate hotplug usb.usermap
/usr/sbin/useradd: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/vgcfgbackup          (8)  – backup volume group descriptor area
/usr/sbin/vgcfgrestore         (8)  – restore volume group descriptor area
/usr/sbin/vgchange             (8)  – change attributes of a volume group
/usr/sbin/vgck                 (8)  – check volume group metadata
/usr/sbin/vgconvert            (8)  – convert volume group metadata format
/usr/sbin/vgcreate             (8)  – create a volume group
/usr/sbin/vgdisplay            (8)  – display attributes of volume groups
/usr/sbin/vgexport             (8)  – make volume groups unknown to the system
/usr/sbin/vgextend             (8)  – add physical volumes to a volume group
/usr/sbin/vgimport             (8)  – make exported volume groups known to the system
/usr/sbin/vgimportclone        (8)  – import and rename duplicated volume group (e.g. a hardware snapshot)
/usr/sbin/vgmerge              (8)  – merge two volume groups
/usr/sbin/vgmknodes            (8)  – recreate volume group directory and logical volume special files
/usr/sbin/vgreduce             (8)  – reduce a volume group
/usr/sbin/vgremove             (8)  – remove a volume group
/usr/sbin/vgrename             (8)  – rename a volume group
/usr/sbin/vgs                  (8)  – report information about volume groups
/usr/sbin/vgscan               (8)  – scan all disks for volume groups and rebuild caches
/usr/sbin/vgsplit              (8)  – split a volume group into two
/usr/sbin/vidmode: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/wipefs: nothing appropriate
/usr/sbin/xfs_repair: nothing appropriate